Timing Attack

󰃭 2022-04-23 | #cryptography #security

Variance Recap

The variance of an aleatory variable X is a statistical measure of the spread (or dispersion) of a set of values for a random variable.

Variance is defined as the squared deviations of the values from the mean. In other words, it measures how far the values of a random variable X are spread out from its expected value E[X].

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Experiments with Btrfs RAID1

󰃭 2022-02-02 | #btrfs #system

RAID1 is a data replication technique that stores two copies of data on two different disks, providing fault tolerance and high availability in case one of the disks fails.

With btrfs, you can create a RAID1 array by combining two or more devices. The devices can be physical disks or partitions.

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Modular Arithmetic Basics

󰃭 2021-06-04 | #mathematics #number-theory

Primes Factorization

Euclid’s Theorem. Primes are infinite.

Proof. Let’s assume that the set of primes P = {p₁, ..., pₙ} is finite and let k = ∏ pᵢ. If the factorization of k+1 contains one prime pᵢ ∈ P then pᵢ|k+1. Since pᵢ|k then pᵢ|(k+1-k)=1, which is impossible. Follows that k+1 is a new prime or is divisible by a prime not in P.

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Btrfs Snapshots

󰃭 2021-03-29 | #btrfs #system

Btrfs snapshots allow you to create efficient backups of your filesystem.

We’ll explore some of the basics of Btrfs snapshots and their practical applications.

Snapshot feature of Btrfs uses the Copy-on-Write (CoW) strategy. So it doesn’t take much disk space and snapshots of subvolumes are instantaneous.

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Linear Algebra Foundations

󰃭 2019-02-14 | #linear-algebra #mathematics

A concise summary of the core concepts in linear algebra.

In the attached document I cover fundamental topics such as vectors, matrices, systems of linear equations, and transformations.

Understanding these concepts is essential for tackling a wide range of mathematical and real-world problems.

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Breaking Enigma

󰃭 2018-11-07 | #cryptography #history

During World War II, the Enigma machine presented a formidable challenge to the Allied forces as they struggled to decipher encrypted German messages.

However, a team of brilliant codebreakers, including Alan Turing, at Britain’s Bletchley Park successfully cracked Enigma’s codes, turning the tide of the war.

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