Classical Ciphers

Created: 2017-05-26
Updated: 2024-01-26

All modern ciphers are based on some kind of substitution operation.

A block of bits is substituted with another block of bits according to a given table or algorithm.

Monoalphabetic cipher: the same element in the plaintext alphabet is always encrypted to the same element in the ciphertext alphabet.

Polyalphabetic cipher: the same element in the plaintext alphabet may be encrypted to different elements in the ciphertext alphabet.

Polyalphabetic ciphers algorithms typically depend on a key that is cyclically used to encrypt the single letters. Thus are equivalent to a set of monoalphabetic ciphers that are alternatively used.

Note that given a key with finite length, at some point the same letters are encoded again to the same ciphertext (we loop through the key), thus in practice polyalphabetic ciphers are equivalent to a monoalphabetic block cipher with block length equal to the key length.

The distinction between a monoalphabetic and a polyalphabetic cipher thus technically depends on the choice of what is the alphabet we work with, if each block of a polyalphabetic cipher is interpreted as an element of a bigger alphabet then the polyalphabetic cipher is still a monoalphabetic cipher.

Strictly speaking, a true polyalphabetic cipher has no cycles e.g. a stream cipher using a TRNG for the keystream.

Modern block ciphers achieve a similar result using the so-called counter modes of operation. These allow to transform any block cipher into a stream cipher.


Each cipher is described by a tuple (P, C, K, E, D) with:

  • P: plaintexts set
  • C: ciphertexts set
  • K: keys set (keyspace)
  • E: encryption function
  • D: decryption function

We assume to work with the alphabet A = {a,..,z}. Where more convenient, the alphabet is interpreted as Z₂₆ by mapping each letter to the corresponding position within the English alphabet (a → 0, .., z → 25).

The set A* is the set of strings composed by elements of A.

For the ciphers that will follow:

  • P = C = A*
  • K, E, D are dependent on the specific cipher

Substitution Cipher

The substitution is driven by a permutation table π.

E_pi[p] = π(p) = c
D_pi[c] = π⁻¹(c) = p

The keyspace consists of all the possible tables we can construct, or in other words all the permutations of the alphabet symbols.

|K| = |A|! = 26! ≥ 4·10²⁶

A key is one of the possible permutations.

In general, the substitution rule may not be describable without explicitly providing the full permutation table and this may become quickly impractical as the size of the alphabet grows.

For example if our alphabet consists of 64-bit elements, then the key size is 64·2⁶⁴ = 2⁷⁰ ≈ 10²¹ bits, i.e. the table of all the substitutions that may be applied during the encryption procedure (the codebook). For comparison, the estimated total number of sand grains on all the beaches and deserts on Earth is estimated to be around 10²⁰.

Instead of allowing an arbitrary plaintext-ciphertext association we may derive the mapping via some algorithm which uses a smaller information as the key.

Obviously, the key size reduction also comes with keyspace reduction, the keyspace size will be the number of different associations that are possible via such an algorithm.

Substitution ciphers driven by very simple algorithms are, for example, shift, affine, atbash and Vigenere ciphers.


Frequency analysis. Every language has a characteristic frequency for the letters (e.g. in English the letter ’e’ has an approximate frequency of 12%).

Simple substitution ciphers leaves the letters frequencies intact and thus allow to attack the cipher via a trivial frequency analysis.

Potential workarounds for frequency analysis:

  1. Blocks substitution ciphers: instead of replacing single letters we work on blocks of m letters. Thus flattening the frequencies of the blocks.
  2. Polyalphabetic ciphers: use more than one monoalphabetic cipher by rotating their usage (e.g. Vigenere and Enigma).

As said before, a polyaphabetic cipher with a cycle is equivalent to a monoalphabetic block cipher with a bigger alphabet. Working with blocks of size N is just like working with a bigger alphabet where each element has size N.

For instance, if the block length is 3 there are 26³ elements in the alphabet (equal to the block length) and if the cipher is a pure substitution cipher then the keyspace size is 26³!. However, the key length is 26³.

Polyalphabetic ciphers where the substitution of each element within the block is driven by a simple monoalphabetic cipher are a good compromise since the key is very compact, and we still have a big enough keyspace.

For instance, with a polyalphabetic shift cipher, if the block length is 3 then the keyspace size is 26³ and the key length is 3.

Shift Cipher

The key is defined as an integer k ∈ Z₂₆.

We shift each plaintext letter by k positions with respect to their position in the alphabet.

E_k[p] = (p + k) mod 26 = c
D_k[p] = (p - k) mod 26 = p

The same shift quantity is applied to each word in the input string.

For example, shift every character in the plaintext by k = 3 positions:

a → d, b → e, ... , v → b, z → c

When k = 3 the cipher is known as the Caesar cipher.


The keyspace is trivially small (26), thus it can be easily brute forced without resorting to a frequency analysis.

Vigenere Cipher

A polyalphabetic cipher composed of several shift ciphers.

The keyspace is Aᵐ, where m is the key length.

The scheme can be easily visualized by writing the key and the plaintext one above the other, the key is repeated as required till the end of the plaintext.

The encryption/decryption functions for the i-th element of the plaintext/ ciphertext:

E_k[pᵢ] = [pᵢ + k_(i mod m)] mod |A| = cᵢ
D_k[cᵢ] = [cᵢ - k_(i mod m)] mod |A| = pᵢ


The cipher is trivially vulnerable to a known plaintext attack:

k_(i mod m) = (cᵢ - pᵢ) mod |A|

The cipher is also vulnerable to statistical analysis. In this case the vulnerability stems from the key repetition. The shortest is the key the more it is vulnerable.

Note that is m is equal to the plaintext length then this cipher is equivalent to the one-time pad, a well known unconditionally secure cipher.

Kasiski Test (~1863).

When there are sequences that repeat in the plaintext, is possible that this repetition is propagated to the ciphertext. This happens if they are at a distance that is a multiple of the key length and thus end up being encrypted using the same elements of the key (i.e. the same monoalphabetic cipher).

Finding a repetition in the ciphertext can thus suggest that the distance between the repeated sequence is equal to a multiple of the key length.


  1. Compute the distances d₁, .., dₙ between all the repetitions.
  2. If the key length m divides d₁, .., dₙ then it divides gcd(d₁,..,dₙ).

(Hint: consider only repetitions of 3+ letters.)

Once that the key length has been guessed a frequency analysis attack can be carried over the subsets encrypted with the same kᵢ (the same attack used for the trivial shift cipher).

Each of these subsets is a simple shift cipher.

C₁ = { cᵢ such that cᵢ = pᵢ + k₁ }
Cₘ = { cᵢ such that cᵢ = pᵢ + kₘ }

May happen to find some bogus dᵢ values, in this case retry or use the Friedman Test.

Friedman Test (~1920)

Index of Coincidence

Given a vector of characters x = (x₁,..,xₙ) in A* then Ic(x) is the probability to extract, without reinsertion, two elements from x with the same value.


Ic((a, a, a)) = p(a)·p(a|a) = 1
Ic((a, b, a)) = p(a)·p(a|a) + p(b)·p(b|b) = 2/3·1/2 + 1/3·0 = 2/6 = 1/3

Given the vector x, we define the frequency f(i) to be the number of occurrences of the i-th character of the alphabet in x (e.g. A = {a, b}, x = (a, b, a)f(0) = 2, f(1) = 1).

We also define the probability to extract the i-th character of the alphabet from x as p(i) = f(i)/N, with N = length(x).

p(0)  = f(0)/N       p(0|0)   ≈ (f(0)-1)/(N-1)
...                   ...
p(25) = f(25)/N      p(25|25) ≈ (f(25)-1)/(N-1)

When both f(i) and N are big, then (f(i)-1)/(N-1) ≈ f(i)/N, thus:

Ic(x) ≈ p(0)² + ... + p(25)² = ∑ p(i)²

The Ic measures some redundancy value for a sequence of characters.

Three interesting cases for x.

  • x is a (long enough) English text:

    • p(i) follows the well known probability values of English letters.
    • Ic(x) ≈ 0.065
  • x is obtained from a monoalphabetic substitution cipher applied to an English text:

    • Individual probabilities are permuted, but the overall result is unchanged.
    • Ic(x) ≈ 0.065, the same as for the plaintext.
  • x is a uniformly distributed random sequence:

    • p(i) = 1/26, for every i
    • Ic(x) = 26·[(1/26)²] = 1/26 ≈ 0.038

In short:

  • high value → no randomness → Ic(x) ≈ 0.065
  • low value → max randomness → Ic(x) ≈ 0.038
Key Length disclosure

Given the ciphertext:

y = (y₁, ..., yₙ)

We test a key length candidate m by disposing the ciphertext in a matrix of m rows (the first column contains the first m characters of the ciphertext).

⌈ y₁   yₘ₊₁ .. ⌉   ⌈ R₁ ⌉
| ..   ..   .. |   | .. |
⌊ yₘ   y₂ₘ  .. ⌋   ⌊ Rₘ ⌋

Compute the Ic for each row Rᵢ.

  • If the key length m is correct then Rᵢ is a sequence whose elements are all encrypted with the same key value, thus Ic(Rᵢ) should be high (close to 0.065).
  • If the key length is incorrect then Ic(Rᵢ) will be low (close to 0.038).

(Note: we could have used the entropy of x)

Key disclosure

Once that the key length m is disclosed, we proceed determining the single letters of the key k = (k₁,..,kₘ).

[ R1 ] has been encrypted with k₁
N₁ = length(R₁)
p(i) = prob for the i-th char when using English language

How encryption is done using k₁ on the single plaintext characters:

Plaintext English prob. P(i) Ciphertext Cipher frequencies F(i+k₁)
0 p(0) 0+k₁ f(0+k₁)/N₁
25 p(25) 25+k₁ f(25+k₁)/N₁

As the value of k₁ we need to choose the value that better approximates the English typical frequencies.

In other words k₁ is equal to j ∈ Z₂₆ if the distance between F(j) and P vectors ||F(j) - P|| is minimal. An equivalent technique often reported in literature is to get j that maximize the scalar product between F(j) and P.

The procedure is repeated for every row Rᵢ to gain different parts of the key.

Note that this is exactly the same attack used for the shift encryption (only more structured) where we’d have a single row R containing the full ciphertext.

As the opposite extreme case, if the key length is equal to the length of the plain text this cipher is equivalent to the one-time pad. In this case each row Rᵢ has just one element, thus we have no material to analyze the frequencies.

Affine Cipher

A substitution cipher where substitution algorithm requires multiplication and addition.

The key is defined as a couple of integers (a, b) in Z₂₆.

E_(a,b)[p] = a·p + b mod 26 = c
D_(a,b)[c] = (c - b)·a⁻¹ mod 26 = p

Note that a is required to be invertible modulo |A| = 26, thus is required that gcd(a, 26) = 1. Because 26 = 13·2 then a can’t be even or 13.


The affine cipher defined over A = Z₂₆ has only 26·12 = 312 possible keys. A brute force attack is trivial over such a small set.

Frequency analysis can also be used like any other substitution cipher.

The cipher is vulnerable to a known plaintext attack when two couples (p₁,c₁) and (p₂,c₂) are known:

c₁ = a·p₁ + b
c₂ = a·p₂ + b
c₁ - c₂ = a·(p₁ - p₂)
a = (c₁-c₂)/(p₁-p₂)
b = c₁ - a·p₁

The only requirement is that (p₁-p₂) is invertible modulo |A|.

Transposition Cipher

Scrambles the position of the plaintext characters without changing the characters themselves.

Given a plaintext with length N and assuming a relative frequency of the i-th alphabet character as fᵢ then the number of possible ciphertexts are N!/∏(fᵢ!) for each i.

For instance, the plaintext “santarealfun” can be encrypted in 12!/(3!·2!) = 39,916,800 different ways, one of these is “satanfuneral”.

By dividing and processing the plaintext in blocks of length m, encryption can be formalized by multiplying each block by an m⨯m transposition matrix.

This is a special instance of the Hill cipher, which is described next.


Since transposition does not affect the frequency of individual symbols, simple transposition can be easily detected by doing a frequency count. If the ciphertext symbols exhibit a frequency distribution very similar to the plaintext’s language then it is most likely a transposition.

There are several methods for attacking the cipher. These include:

  • Known-plaintext attack: see Hill cipher
  • Using known or guessed parts of the plaintext to assist in reverse-engineering.

To decipher the encrypted message an attacker could try to guess possible words with the characters found in the ciphertext.

In general, transposition methods are vulnerable to anagramming, sliding pieces of ciphertext around, then looking for sections that look like anagrams of words, and solving the anagrams. Once such anagrams have been found, they reveal information about the transposition pattern, and can consequently be extended.

Hill Cipher

A block cipher more explicitly derived from linear algebra.

With a block size m, if we interpret the cipher as a monoalphabetic cipher, the alphabet can be also viewed as Z₂₆ᵐ.

Each plaintext and ciphertext block is represented as a m×1 column vector:

    ⌈ p₁ ⌉       ⌈ c₁ ⌉
p = | .. |   c = | .. |
    ⌊ pₘ ⌋       ⌊ cₘ ⌋

The block transformation is driven by the key K, a m×m square matrix:

    ⌈ k₁₁ ... k₁ₘ ⌉
K = |     ...     |
    ⌊ kₘ₁ ... kₘₘ ⌋

Encryption and decryption functions are defined as:

E_K[p] = K·p mod 26 = c
D_K[p] = K⁻¹·c mod 26 = p

With modular operation applied to the result of row by column product.

The transformation is a matrix-vector product:

c₁ = k₁₁·p₁ + ... + k₁ₘ·pₘ (mod 26)
cₘ = kₘ₁·p₁ + ... + kₘₘ·pₘ (mod 26)

Diffusion principle: a single ciphertext character depends on all the plaintext characters within the same block.

The principle is quite effective against frequency analysis attacks by reducing the redundancy of the single letters.

Note that decryption requires the key matrix to be invertible modulo |A|.

When operating over real numbers a matrix is invertible if the columns are linearly independent (i.e. we cannot express one column as a linear combination of the others). In other, equivalent, terms a matrix K is invertible if and only if det(K) ≠ 0.

In modular arithmetic the inverse of a matrix exists if and only if the determinant is coprime with the alphabet size or in other words if and only if det(K) is invertible modulo |A|.

K is invertible modulo |A| iff gcd(det(K), |A|) = 1

The determinant is typically computed via the Cramer’s formula.

The inverse matrix B = K⁻¹ elements are computed as:

bᵢⱼ = (-1)ⁱ⁺ʲ · det(K*ⱼᵢ) · det(K)⁻¹ mod |A|


  • K*ⱼᵢ: is the matrix K minor obtained by removing from K the row j and column i.
  • det(K)⁻¹ is the inverse of the determinant modulo |A|. The inverse exists when gcd(det K, |A|) = 1.


Because of the diffusion principle, the cipher is fairly resistant to ciphertext only attacks, but easily fails with a known-plaintext attack.

Assume that the attacker knows m and m couples of plaintext/ciphertext blocks (pᵢ,cᵢ) of length m encrypted using the same key K:

cᵢ = K·pᵢ mod |A|

We merge the cᵢ and pᵢ column vectors to obtain two m×m matrix

[c₁ | .. | cₘ ] = K·[p₁ | .. | pₘ ]
C = K·P

Next we can use one of the well-known matrix resolution methods (e.g. Gaussian elimination method, LRU, …) to compute P⁻¹.

If P is not invertible modulo |A|, then we should try with a different set of (pᵢ,cᵢ). Follows that the first thing the attacker should do is to check if P is invertible by computing its determinant.

Wrapping Up

Linear Transformation

In practice, excluded the generic non-linear substitution cipher, all the classical ciphers viewed so far can be expressed using exactly the same linear transformation:

E[p] = A·p + b = c
D[c] = A⁻¹·(c - b) = p

With A a matrix providing diffusion and b a vector providing polyalphabetic shift encryption.

  • Shift cipher: A is a 1⨯1 identity matrix and b a vector of length 1.
  • Vigenere cipher: A is a m⨯m identity matrix and b a m⨯1 vector.
  • Affine cipher: A is a 1⨯1 invertible matrix and b a vector of length 1.
  • Transposition cipher: A is a m⨯m transposition matrix and b is a zero vector.
  • Hill cipher: A is a m⨯m invertible matrix and b is a m⨯1 zero vector.

We can obviously extend the Hill cipher by using an arbitrary m⨯1 vector b.

Lesson Learned

In general, once the key has been fixed, we obtain a function from plaintext to ciphertext. This function should NOT be a linear transformation.

If the cipher is based on a linear function then we can always apply some simple technique to break it (or weaken it if it has some linear component).

Modern standards require that a cipher should resist to known-plaintext attacks.

If we combine an operation providing diffusion (as Hill) with some elements of confusion (as a non-linear substitution) we can obtain a strong cipher.

This naturally brings to the more modern Substitution-Permutation-Network (SPN) design introduced by Shannon and later implemented by Feistel.

More on Polyalphabetic Ciphers

Consider each block of a polyalphabetic cipher as a single word of a substitution cipher where the substitution is driven by some algorithm.

Doing such substitution algorithmically we are not using the entire possibilities for the mapping between the plaintext and ciphertext (|K| < |A|!).

For example, with Vigenere cipher with blocks of 64 bits (key length = 64) we have a keyspace of 2⁶⁴ and not 2⁶⁴! as for a generic substitution cipher derived from a permutation table.

When using a particular key then such a key is reused over the whole plaintext set. With a true polyalphabetic cipher should not be possible to have a mapping where we apply to two different blocks the same key.
