Feistel Ciphers

Created: 󰃭 2017-11-07
Updated: 󰃭 2023-11-26

Feistel ciphers are a family of symmetric encryption algorithms that use repeated rounds of substitution and permutation operations on blocks of data to provide confidentiality and data integrity.

Popular examples of Feistel ciphers include:

In this post I’ll mostly go through the basics of Feistel ciphers principles and analyze DES design with a rough evaluation of some of its security aspects.

Problem with Generic Block Substitution Ciphers

In a generic block substitution cipher the plaintext is associated to the ciphertext using an arbitrary permutation table.

Consider an alphabet with size M and block length n, then the number of possible plaintext and ciphertext blocks is |P| = |C| = Mⁿ (key length) and there are |K| = Mⁿ! possible ways to define the encryption function from P to C (keyspace).

For instance, with 64 bit blocks |P| = |C| = 2⁶⁴, |K| = 2⁶⁴!.

This kind of cipher is generally very secure as

  • big blocks defeat statistical analysis;
  • plaintext-ciphertext mapping is non-linear and hopefully uniformly random;
  • keyspace size grows exponentially with respect to the block size.

Unfortunately the key size is impractical.

For each possible plaintext block we have to explicitly share what is the corresponding ciphertext block (there is no compact key derivation algorithm).

At best, if we consider the plaintext as a numeric sequence from 0 to Mⁿ-1, we can eventually just share the sorted list of associated ciphertext blocks (the plaintext block is implicit).

For instance, if each block length is 64 bits the key consists of the explicit enumeration of 2⁶⁴ encrypted blocks. The key length is thus:

keylen = len(block)·|C| = 64·2⁶⁴ = 2⁷⁰ ≈ 10²¹ bits

Substitution Permutation Network (SPN)

Shannon proposed to trade some security for a more manageable key length.

Instead of a general block substitution cipher we opt out for a cipher which iteratively apply a series of simple transformations to the plaintext.

Diffusion. The information of every word in the plaintext block is spread all over the ciphertext block. The goal is to remove redundant data that may be used for statistical analysis.

Diffusion techniques:

  1. Permutation. We swap the elements within the block. This doesn’t alter the frequency of the single words, but alters the groups of words (n-grams). Permutation is a linear transformation: product with a permutation matrix.
  2. Combination. Every ciphertext element is function of (ideally all) the elements of the plaintext. Still a linear transformation.

Confusion. Making hard to invert the relation between plaintext and ciphertext obtained once the key has been fixed.

Confusion is mostly obtained by introducing some kind of non-linear transformation. In practice a substitution element which fetches ciphertext data from a table in function of the plaintext and a key.

These non-linear substitution tables are typically known as s-boxes, a name originally borrowed from DES.

Feistel Cipher

Feistel (IBM engineer ~1960/70) provided a pragmatic description of a SPN in order to allow a practical implementation. Its design is the foundation of almost every modern symmetric block cipher.

A plaintext block is divided into two halves L₀ and R₀.

Encryption is performed by applying to the plaintext a series of rounds.

For each round a sub-key kᵢ is derived from the main key k.

     +-------+                     +-------+        +------+
L₀ → | Round | → L₁ → ... → Lₙ₋₁ → | Round | → Lₙ → | Swap | → Lₙ₊₁
R₀ → |       | → R₁ → ... → Rₙ₋₁ → |       | → Rₙ → |      | → Rₙ₊₁
     +-------+                     +-------+        +------+
         ↑                             ↑
         k₁                            kₙ

The rounds’ logic is identical to each other, what changes are the inputs.

In the final step Lₙ and Rₙ are swapped and marked as Lₙ₊₁ and Rₙ₊₁.


Compact formulas:

Lᵢ = Rᵢ₋₁
Rᵢ = Lᵢ₋₁ ⊕ F(kᵢ, Rᵢ₋₁)

Round actions:

  • Swap of the two halves applies the permutation (diffusion) principle.
  • Xor applies the combination (diffusion) principle, i.e. one half result depends on both the halves.
  • F function applies the substitution (confusion) principle, i.e. groups of bits are non-linearly replaced with others in function of the key.


Assuming blocks with length 2·w.


L₀ = Plaintext[..w]
R₀ = Plaintext[w..]

Repeat for n rounds:

Lᵢ = Rᵢ₋₁
Rᵢ = Lᵢ₋₁ ⊕ F(kᵢ, Rᵢ₋₁)

Final swap:

Lₙ₊₁ = Rₙ
Rₙ₊₁ = Lₙ


Ciphertext[..w] = Lₙ₊₁
Ciphertext[w..] = Rₙ₊₁


Decryption algorithm is equal to encryption, the only difference is that the sub keys are used in the opposite order (from kₙ to k₁).

The requirement is the following property of round function:

Rᵢ → | Round | → Rᵢ₋₁
Lᵢ → |       | → Lᵢ₋₁

Note that the R and L components are wired in the opposite order with respect to the encryption procedure.

Given the round definition (used by encryption):

Lᵢ = Rᵢ₋₁
Rᵢ = Lᵢ₋₁ ⊕ F(kᵢ, Rᵢ₋₁)

Note that one side is always recoverable as it is forwarded untouched. Thus, given k and applying F to it, we can recover the other side as well.

When applied to the decryption inputs we have that:

Rᵢ₋₁ = Lᵢ
Lᵢ₋₁ = Rᵢ ⊕ F(kᵢ, Lᵢ)

By the definition of the encryption routine we can indeed see that:

Lᵢ = Rᵢ₋₁ , we inverted correctly one half

For second half, given that the encryption function is defined as:

Rᵢ = Lᵢ₋₁ ⊕ F(kᵢ, Rᵢ₋₁)

Replacing Rᵢ in the defined decryption procedure:

Lᵢ₋₁ = Rᵢ ⊕ F(kᵢ, Lᵢ) =
       = [Lᵢ₋₁ ⊕ F(kᵢ, Rᵢ₋₁)] ⊕ F(kᵢ, Lᵢ) =
       (given that Lᵢ = Rᵢ₋₁)
       = [Lᵢ₋₁ ⊕ F(kᵢ, Lᵢ)] ⊕ F(kᵢ, Lᵢ) =
       = Lᵢ₋₁

The identity holds, thus the decryption correctly reverts the encryption procedure.

DES Construction Details

In DES the blocks are 64 bits and key size 56 bits.

The three elements defining the security of the cipher are:

  • the number of rounds n
  • the sub-keys generation function G (key schedule algorithm)
  • the function F

The more rounds we apply the more secure is the cipher.

For DES the number of rounds (n = 16) has been chosen to contrast the attacks known at the time. In particular, it has been chosen a number such that the best known cryptanalytic attacks have the same order of complexity as a brute force attempt.

For example, by reducing the number of rounds the cipher would be vulnerable to differential cryptanalysis (a kind of chosen plaintext attack). With 16 rounds differential cryptanalysis requires 2⁵⁵ operations, computationally comparable to a brute-force attack.

Key schedule

Transform a 56 bit key into 16 48-bit sub keys, one for each round.

  1. Initial permutation according to a fixed table.
  2. Split in two 28-bit halves (C₀, D₀).
  3. Key iterations: (Cᵢ, Dᵢ) are rotated to the left by 1 or 2 positions.
  4. Round key generation: (Cᵢ, Dᵢ) are combined, permuted and 48-bits are fetched.

F Function

F(Rᵢ₋₁, kᵢ)
  • Rᵢ₋₁: right input half (32 bits)
  • kᵢ: i-th subkey (48 bits)

Details of F procedure:

  1. A constant permutation is applied to Rᵢ₋₁.
  2. An expansion is applied by duplicating some of the 32 bits to obtain a 48 bit output.
  3. The result is xored with the round subkey kᵢ.
  4. The result is partitioned in 8 blocks of 6 bits each.
  5. Each of these 8 blocks of 6 bits are replaced by 8 blocks of 4 bits using 8 substitution tables (s-box).
  6. These 8 blocks are finally concatenated to get a 32 bit output.


An s-box is a lookup table taking as input m bits and yielding as output n bits. For example in DES m = 6 and n = 4.

The criteria used to construct the s-box for DES has never been completely clarified by their designers but in practice has withstood the test of time.

Each DES s-box is a constant table of 64 elements divided in 4 rows and 16 columns. Each row contains a permutation of the numbers between 0 and 15.

The 6 input bits are used to choose one element from the table:

  • first and last bits are used to choose the row
  • middle four bits are used to choose the column

The s-box are constructed such that the SAC and BIC properties hold.

Strict Avalanche Criterion (SAC). If the i-th input bit changes then the j-th output bit changes with probability 1/2.

Bit Independence Criterion (BIC). If the i-th input bit changes then the change observed in the j-th and k-th output bits are independent.

In other words, the properties say that a small change in the input influences all the output bits (SAC) and that the changes are independent for each bit (BIC).

We can analyze the s-box as if it is a function S taking as input an aleatory variable X (m-bits) and returning an aleatory variable Y (n-bits):

Y = S(X)
  • X[i]: the i-th bit of X
  • Xⁱ: X with the i-th bit flipped
SAC Check

For an arbitrary input bit i:

Y₁ = S(X), Y₂ = S(Xⁱ)

Then for any output bit j ∈ {1..n}

Pr[ Y₁[j] ≠ Y₂[j] ] = 1/2

That is, by complementing the i-th input bit the probability to change an arbitrary output bit j is 1/2.

To evaluate this probability for a particular s-box for all possible inputs we need to (empirically) check how many output bits are changing when we change an input bit.

BIC Check

For each input bit i and output bit j, the output changes independently when the input changes (independent events).

DES Undesired properties

  • Reciprocal property: D(E(m)) = m and E(D(m)) = m
  • Complementation property: E(¬k,¬m) = ¬E(k,m)
  • Zero key: if k = 0 then E(k,m) = D(k,m)

These properties allow a distinguished attack, a kind of (mostly theoretical) attack that allows to distinguish the cipher from the “perfect cipher” when the cipher functions are given as black boxes.
