Unicode Math Symbols

Created: 󰃭 2017-07-28
Updated: 󰃭 2017-07-28

A curated selection of essential mathematical symbols I found useful form my daily tasks. From calculus to greek letters.

∑ymbols ∫f Μath: ∀ ∃ ⊂🧮 ∩𝛍∀ ∑Σ, ♇𝛆Δ⇒⊢ ∃∀⇔ 𝛈𝜆𝛀⊆ ✍️🔢 ∃⇑ ∑𝚄𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎’𝚜 ℝ𝕖⇧⊇📈 𝕋⊂⊆∈🔢


Unary operators

√    221a    radic, sqrt, radical, square root
∛    221b    cube root
∜    221c    fourth root
±    00b1    plus or minus
∓    2213    minus or plus
′    2032    prime, derivative
″    2033    prime, double prime
‴    2034    tprime, triple prime
∏    220f    n-ary product
∑    2211    n-ary summation 

Binary arithmetic operators

−    2212    minus
×    00d7    multiplication sign
⋅    22c5    dot multiplication
∕    2215    division slash
÷    00f7    division sign 


∝    221d    prop, propto, proportional, vprop, varpropto, proportional to
∣    2223    divides
∤    2224    does not divide
≃    2243    asymptotically equal to
≄    2244    not asymptotically equal to
≅    2245    approximately equal to
≆    2246    approximately but not actually equal to
≇    2247    neither approximately nor actually equal to
≈    2248    almost equal to
≉    2249    not almost equal to
≜    225c    trie, triangleq, delta equal to
≝    225d    equal to by definition
≟    225f    equest, checked equal to
≠    2260    ne, notequal, not equal to
≡    2261    equiv, congruent, equivalent to
≤    2264    less-than or equal to
≥    2265    greater-than or equal to
≪    226a    much less than
≫    226b    much greater than

Calculus, Vector Calculus, Differential Equations

∞    221e    infinity
∂    2202    partial differential
∫    222b    integral
∬    222c    double integral
∭    222d    triple integral
∮    222e    contour integral
∯    222f    surface integral
∰    2230    volume integral
∱    2231    clockwise integral
∲    2232    clockwise contour integral
∳    2233    anticlockwise contour integral
∇    2207    nabla, del, backward difference, gradient


⊂    2282    subset, included in, proper subset
⊃    2283    superset, includes, proper superset
⊆    2286    subset of or equal to
⊇    2287    superset or equal to
⊄    2284    notin set
∩    2229    intersection
∪    222a    union
∈    2208    isin, isinv, element, in, element of (large symbol)
∊    220a    element of (small symbol)
∉    2209    notin, notelement, notinva, not element of
∋    220b    niv, reverseelement, ni, suchthat, contains as member (large)
∍    220d    contains as member (small)
∌    220c    notni, notniva, notreverseelement, does not contain as member
∅    2205    empty, emptyset, emptyv, varnothing, empty set
ℱ    2131    sets family

Ubiquitous Sets

ℕ    2115    naturals
ℤ    2124    integers
ℚ    211a    rationals
ℝ    211d    reals
ℂ    2102    complex

Mathematical typography

⋮    22ee    vellip, vertical ellipsis
⋯    22ef    hellip, horizontal ellipsis
⋰    22f0    utdot, rising dots, up right diagonal ellipsis
⋱    22f1    dtdot, falling dots, down right diagonal ellipsis
⟨    27e8    left angle bracket
⟩    27e9    right angle bracket


¬    00ac    not sign
∧    2227    logical and
∨    2228    logical or
∎    220e    end of proof
∴    2234    therefore , there4, therefore, therefore
∵    2235    because , becaus, because, because
∀    2200    for all , forall, forall
∃    2203    there exists , exist, exists
∄    2204    there does not exist , nexist, notexists, nexists
←    2190    left arrow
→    2192    right arrow
↔    2194    left right arrow
⇐    21d0    left double arrow
⇒    21d2    right double arrow
⇔    21d4    left right double arrow
⊢    22a2    turnstile
⊨    22a8    double turnstile


∠    2220    ang, angle
∡    2221    angmsd, measured angle
∢    2222    spherical angle
⟂    27c2    perpendicular to
∟    221f    right angle


°    00b0    degree
μ    03bc    greek small letter mu
π    03c0    greek small letter pi
ℓ    2113    small script letter l, litre

Greek Lowercase Alphabet

α    03b1    alpha
β    03b2    beta
γ    03b3    gamma
δ    03b4    delta
ε    03b5    epsilon
ζ    03b6    zeta
η    03b7    eta
θ    03b8    theta
ι    03b9    iota
κ    03ba    kappa
λ    03bb    lambda
μ    03bc    mu
ν    03bd    nu
ξ    03be    xi
ο    03bf    omicron
π    03c0    pi
ρ    03c1    rho
ς    03c2    final sigma
σ    03c3    sigma
τ    03c4    tau
υ    03c5    upsilon
φ    03c6    phi
χ    03c7    chi
ψ    03c8    psi
ω    03c9    omega

Greek Uppercase Alphabet

Α    0391    alpha
Β    0392    beta
Γ    0393    gamma
Δ    0394    delta
Ε    0395    epsilon
Ζ    0396    zeta
Η    0397    eta
Θ    0398    theta
Ι    0399    iota
Κ    039a    kappa
Λ    039b    lambda
Μ    039c    mu
Ν    039d    nu
Ξ    039e    xi
Ο    039f    omicron
Π    03a0    pi
Ρ    03a1    rho
Σ    03a3    sigma
Τ    03a4    tau
Υ    03a5    upsilon
Φ    03a6    phi
Χ    03a7    chi
Ψ    03a8    psi
Ω    03a9    omega


⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ 
ᵃ ᵇ ᶜ ᵈ ᵉ ᶠ ᵍ ʰ ⁱ ʲ ᵏ ˡ ᵐ ⁿ ᵒ ᵖ 𐞥 ʳ ˢ ᵗ ᵘ ᵛ ʷ ˣ ʸ ᶻ
ᴬ ᴮ ꟲ ᴰ ᴱ ꟳ ᴳ ᴴ ᴵ ᴶ ᴷ ᴸ ᴹ ᴺ ᴼ ᴾ ꟴ ᴿ   ᵀ ᵁ ⱽ ᵂ ᵡ 𐞲 ᙆ
⁺ ⁻ ⁼ ⁽ ⁾ ᐟ


To insert an UTF-8 character given its unicode codepoint nnnn using bash:

    > printf '\ucea9'

Or using utf-8 encoding (e.g. \u03a90xcea9)

    > echo -e "\xce\xa9"

In vim, in insert mode, to insert

  • a BMP unicode character: <C-v>unnnn (with 0000 ≤ nnnn ≤ ffff)
  • any Unicode character: <C-v>Unnnnnnnn ( with 00000000 ≤ nnnnnnnn ≤ 7ffffffff)
