Timing Attack

Created: 󰃭 2022-04-23
Updated: 󰃭 2023-12-14

Variance Recap

The variance of an aleatory variable X is a statistical measure of the spread (or dispersion) of a set of values for a random variable.

Variance is defined as the squared deviations of the values from the mean. In other words, it measures how far the values of a random variable X are spread out from its expected value E[X].

Var[X] = E[(X - E[X])²] = ∑ Pr(X = xᵢ)·(xᵢ - E[X])²

The formula can be simplified as:

Var[X] = E[(X - E[X])²]
       = E[X² - 2·X·E[X] + E[X]²]
       = E[X²] - 2·E[X]·E[X] + E[X]²
       = E[X²] - E[X]²

If X and Y are independent variables:

Var[X + Y] = Var[X] + Var[Y]
Var[X - Y] = Var[X] + Var[-Y] = Var[X] + Var[Y]

Fast Exponentiation Algorithm Recap

Algorithm for fast exponentiation mᵉ:

k = bitlen(e)
A = 1
for i in [k-1..0]:
    A = A² mod n
    if is_ith_bit_set(e, i):
        A = m·A mod n
return A

The total time is given by the sum of the times of each of the k iterations.


Fixed the exponent d, each iteration time Tᵢ depends on the exponent current bit and on the current value of A, and thus depends on the base m.

T is the aleatory variable which is the sum of all the iterations aleatory variables Tᵢ.

T = Tₖ₋₁ + Tₖ₋₂ + ... + T₀

The attacker choose many different messages mⱼ to observe the relative execution times, which are interpreted as independent extractions of T.


The strong assumption is that the attacker has a local device that can emulate the device under attack and that he can stop its execution while processing a chosen bit.

The attack is based on the observation of the variance of T.

Assume that we already determined the bits from k-1 down to i+1, the current target is the i-th bit.

Since the attacker knows the bits from k-1 to i+1, he can correctly emulate the device under attack until the exponentiation iteration k-(i+1) (included).

Tries with both d[i] = 0 and d[i] = 1.

The attacker ends up with two execution times:

  • T from the real device which used the full correct key d.
  • T' from the emulator which includes the execution time of the already disclosed bits plus the new bit we’re trying to reveal.

Note that for i < i ≤ k+1, Tᵢ = T'ᵢ.

    T - T' = Tₖ₋₁ + ... + Tᵢ₊₁ + Tᵢ + ... + T₀ 
             - Tₖ₋₁ - ... - Tᵢ₊₁ - T'ᵢ =
           = Tᵢ + ... + T₀ - T'ᵢ =
           = Tᵢ - T'ᵢ + Tᵢ₋₁ + ... + T₀

This is the difference of two aleatory variables, we compute the variance of the difference of the times:

Var[T - T']

We assume that the times relative to the single iterations are independent between each other (i.e. Tᵢ and Tⱼ are independent for i ≠ j).

Var[Tᵢ] = Var[T'ᵢ] = v

If the value of d[i] that has been tried by the attacker is correct then the emulations of the attacker are correct down to the i-th iteration (included):

T - T' = Tᵢ₋₁ + ... + T₀

And thus:

Var[T - T'] = Var[Tᵢ₋₁] + ... + Var[T₀]

If instead the bit value was not correct, the variance is:

Var[T - T'] = Var[Tᵢ - T'ᵢ] + Var[Tᵢ₋₁] + ... + Var[T₀]
            = Var[Tᵢ] + Var[T'ᵢ] + Var[Tᵢ₋₁] + ... + Var[T₀]

Overall, if we have chosen the wrong value for d[i] then we’re going to have a variance that is greater by a term 2·v.

To summarize, the attacker:

  • executes the algorithm with a bunch of mᵢ (e.g. 1000);
  • gets the timings for each T;
  • computes the empirical variance using the samples;
  • picks as the exponent next bit the one which yields the smaller variance.
