Euler's Totient

Created: 󰃭 2017-08-19
Updated: 󰃭 2023-12-11

Given a natural number $n$, the Euler $\varphi$ function, also known as Euler’s Totient, applied to $n$ represents the number of positive numbers less than $n$ that are coprime with $n$.

Prime Power

Proposition. For a prime number $p$ and a natural number $n$:

$$ \varphi(p^n) = p^n (1 - \frac{1}{p}) $$


Create a list of the numbers less than $p^n$ and count how many numbers in the list are not relatively prime to $p^n$.

Because $p$ is prime we are counting the multiples of $p$ that are less than $p^n$. There are $p^{n-1}$ such multiples, they are:

$$ \set{ 0, p, 2p, \ldots, p^{n-1} p } $$

Thus, among the first $p^n$ numbers, $p^n - p^{n-1} = p^n (1 - 1/p)$ are coprime with $p^n$ ∎

Corollary. If $p$ is prime then $\varphi(p) = p - 1$.

Proof. Trivially follows the previous proposition for $n = 1$ ∎

Product of Primes

Proposition. For two primes $p$ and $q$,

$$ \varphi(pq) = \varphi(p) \varphi(q). $$


Given two primes $p$ and $q$, the elements $x < pq$ such that $\gcd(x, pq) \neq 1$ are:

  • $A = \set{ 0 }$
  • $B = \set { p, 2p, 3p, \dots, (q-1)p }$
  • $C = \set { q, 2q, 3q, \dots, (p-1)q }$

The three sets are disjoint.

That is, if $ip = jq \implies q \mid (ip) \implies q \mid i$, and this is impossible because $i < q$.

Follows that:

$$ \varphi(pq) = |\mathbb{Z}_{pq}| - (|A| + |B| + |C|) = pq - (1 + (p-1) + (q-1)) = (p-1)(q-1) = \varphi(p)\varphi(q) $$

Product of Coprimes

Proposition. If $m$ and $n$ are coprime then $\varphi(mn) = \varphi(m)·\varphi(n)$

Proof Construct the table of numbers from $0$ to $mn - 1$ with $m$ rows and $n$ columns.

0 1 2 j (n-1)
$0$ $m+0$ $m+1$ $2m+0$ $jm+0$ $(n-1)m+0$
$1$ $m+1$ $2m+1$ $2m+1$ $jm+1$ $(n-1)m+1$
$i$ $m+i$ $m+i$ $2m+i$ $jm+i$ $(n-1)m+i$
$m-1$ $m+(m-1)$ $m+(m-1)$ $2m+(m-1)$ $jm+(m-1)$ $(n-1)m+(m-1)$

Proof (Alt). See CRT applications.

General Formula

The generic closed form formula for the sequence is:

φ(n) = n · ∏ (1 - 1/pᵢ)

With {pᵢ} the primes in the factorization of n.


From the above propositions and the fundamental theorem of arithmetic:

φ(n) = φ(∏ pᵢ^eᵢ) = ∏ φ(pᵢ^eᵢ) = ∏ pᵢ^eᵢ·(1 - 1/pᵢ) = n·∏(1 - 1/pᵢ)

Some values for the function

As can be easily seen from the table and the graph, the function is not monotonic.

n φ(n)
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 4
6 2
7 6
8 4
9 6
10 4
11 10
12 4
13 12
14 6
15 8
16 8
17 16
18 6
19 18
20 8
21 12
22 10
23 22
24 8
25 20
26 12
27 18
28 12
29 28
30 8
31 30
32 16
33 20
34 16
35 24
36 12
37 36
38 18
39 24
40 16
41 40
42 12
43 42
44 20
45 24
46 22
47 46
48 16
49 42
50 20
51 32
52 24
53 52
54 18
55 40
56 24
57 36
58 28
59 58
60 16
61 60
62 30
63 36
64 32
65 48
66 20
67 66
68 32
69 44

