Euclidean Algorithm

Created: 󰃭 2017-04-16
Updated: 󰃭 2023-12-10

A fundamental and efficient algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two integer numbers.

Given two integers a and b, the algorithm comes in two flavors:

  • basic: yields the gcd(a,b);
  • extended: yields two integers x and y such that gcd(a,b) = a·x + b·y

As a notational shortcut from now on we’ll write (a,b) instead of gcd(a, b).

Classic Euclidean Algorithm


Assuming a > b:

d | a  →  a = d·x
d | b  →  b = d·y

→  d | (a - b) = d·(x - y)

The procedure is iterated while a ≥ b·q, with q > 0 an integer such that a < b·(q + 1)

b = d·y  →  b·q = d·y·q  →  d | b·q
→  d | (a - b·q) = d·(x - y·q)

If q is the bigger integer such that a ≥ b·q then the above is saying that d divides the remainder of a divided by b. In other words d | (a mod b)

The described procedure is equivalent to the following lemma:

Lemma (Euclid’s algorithm). Given b ≥ 1, (a,b) = (b, a mod b)

d|a  ∧  d|b  ↔  d|b  ∧  d|(a mod b)


(⇒) d|a ∧ d|b

a = d·x  and  b = d·y
a mod b = a - b·q ,  for max{q: a - b·q ≥ 0}
a - b·q = d·(x - y·q)  →  d | (a mod b)

(⇐) d|b ∧ d|(a mod b)

b = d·y
d|(a mod b) = a - b·q  →  a - b·q = d·x
→ a = d·x + q·b = d·x + q·d·y = d·(x + q·y)  →  d|a

Note that if b > a then (a, b) = (b, a mod b) = (b, a). That is, in this case the first algorithm step has the effect of a swap.

By repeating the procedure, since the second number steadily decreases, we’ll inevitably reach the point where it is zero. And (k, 0) = k.


a = 3³·5·11² = 16335
b = 2·3·5²·7 = 1050

(16335, 1050) = (1050, 16335 mod 1050) =
(1050, 585) = (585, 1050 mod 585) =
(585, 465) = (465, 585 mod 465) =
(465, 120) = (120, 465 mod 120) =
(120, 105) = (105, 120 mod 105) =
(105, 15) = (15, 105 mod 15) =
(15, 0) = 15

Extended (EEA)

Theorem. Bezout’s Identity

Given two integers a and b with b ≥ 1 and d = (a,b) there exist two integers x and y such that d = a·x + b·y.

Existence Proof.

Consider the set S of all integers that can be written as a·x + b·y. S is non-empty since it contains numbers like a·1 + b·0 = a, a·0 + b·1 = b and 0. For the well ordering principle let d = a·s + b·t be the smallest positive number in S.

  • d is a common divisor. For the division algorithm a = d·q + r, with 0 ≤ r < d. Then r = a - d·q = a - (a·s + b·t)·q = a·(1 - s·q) + b·t·q. As r = a·z + b·w then r ∈ S. And because d is the smaller positive number, then r = 0.

  • d is the gcd(a,b). If c is any common divisor, since d = a·s + b·t then c divides d and thus d is the gcd.

Construction Proof.

Using the Euclid’s algorithm, we set r₀ = a and r₁ = b

r₀ = q₁·r₁ + r₂                 (r₀, r₁) = (r₁, r₀ mod r₁) = (r₁, r₂)
r₁ = q₂·r₂ + r₃                 (r₁, r₂) = (r₂, r₁ mod r₂) = (r₂, r₃)
r₂ = q₃·r₃ + r₄                 (r₂, r₃) = (r₃, r₂ mod r₃) = (r₃, r₄)
rₙ₋₂ = qₙ₋₁·rₙ₋₁ + rₙ
rₙ₋₁ = qₙ·rₙ + 0                (rₙ₋₁, rₙ) = (rₙ, 0)

d = (rₙ, 0) = rₙ


r₀ = a
r₁ = b
r₂ = r₀ - q₁·r₁
r₃ = r₁ - q₂·r₂
rₙ = rₙ₋₂ - qₙ₋₁·rₙ₋₁

We can thus write rₙ as a linear combination of a and b.

r₀ = x₀·a + y₀·b ,  with x₀ = 1 and y₀ = 0
r₁ = x₁·a + y₁·b,   with x₁ = 0 and y₁ = 1
r₂ = r₀ - q₁·r₁ = x₂·a + y₂·b
r₃ = r₁ - q₂·r₂ = x₃·a + y₃·b
rᵢ = rᵢ₋₂ - qᵢ₋₁·rᵢ₋₁ =
   = [xᵢ₋₂·a + yᵢ₋₂·b] - qᵢ₋₁·[xᵢ₋₁·a + yᵢ₋₁·b] =
   = [xᵢ₋₂ - qᵢ₋₁·xᵢ₋₁]·a + [yᵢ₋₂ - qᵢ₋₁·yᵢ₋₁]·b =
   = xᵢ·a + yᵢ·b
rₙ = ... = a·xₙ + b·yₙ = d

Note that:

xᵢ = xᵢ₋₂ - qᵢ₋₁·xᵢ₋₁
yᵢ = yᵢ₋₂ - qᵢ₋₁·yᵢ₋₁

Corollary. EEA can be used to compute multiplicative inverse.

Proof. If 1 = a·x + b·y then 1 ≡ a·x (mod b), thus x is the multiplicative inverse of a modulo b.

Example. Compute the inverse of 60 modulo 17:

r₀ = 60
r₁ = 17

r₂ = 60 - 3·17 = 9  (q₁ = 3)
r₃ = 17 - 1·9  = 8  (q₂ = 1)
r₄ =  9 - 1·8  = 1  (q₃ = 1)
r₅ =  8 - 8·1  = 0  (q₄ = 8)

→ r₄ = (60, 17) = 1

x₀ = 1
x₁ = 0
x₂ = x₀ - q₁·x₁ = 1 - 3·0 = 1
x₃ = x₁ - q₂·x₂ = 0 - 1·1 = -1
x₄ = x₂ - q₃·x₃ = 1 - 1·(-1) = 2

The inverse is thus 2: 60·2 mod 17 = 1

Binary Euclidean Algorithm

Stein’s algorithm (HAC 14.4), also known as the binary GCD algorithm (uses simpler arithmetic operations than the conventional Euclidean algorithm; it replaces division with arithmetic shifts, comparisons, and subtraction.


The algorithm reduces the problem of finding the gcd of two non-negative numbers a and b by repeatedly applying these identities:

  1. (0, a) = a and (b, 0) = b;
  2. (2·a, 2·b) = 2·gcd(a, b);
  3. (2·a, b) = (a, b), if b is odd;
  4. (a, b) = (|a − b|, min(a, b)), if a and b are both odd

Note that the last identity is a single step of the classic Euclidean algorithm.

Pseudo Code

g = 1
while a ≡ b ≡ 0 (mod 2) do:
    a = a/2, b = b/2, g = 2·g
while a ≠ 0 do:
    while a ≡ 0 (mod 2) do:
        a = a/2
    while b ≡ 0 (mod 2) do:
        b = b/2
    t = |a - b|/2
    if a ≥ b then:
        a = t
        b = t
return g·b


The classic EEA algorithm has the drawback of requiring relatively costly multiple-precision divisions to compute the quotients. The following algorithm eliminates the divisions at the expense of more iterations.

Pseudo Code

g = 1
while a ≡ b ≡ 0 (mod 2) do:
    a = a/2, b = b/2, g = 2·g
u = a, v = b
A = 1, B = 0, C = 0, D = 1
while u ≠ 0 do:
    while u is even do:
        u = u/2
        if A ≡ B ≡ 0 (mod 2) then:
            A = A/2, B = B/2
            A = (A + b)/2, B = (B - a)/2
    while v is even do:
        v = v/2
        if C ≡ D ≡ 0 (mod 2) then:
            C = C/2, D = D/2
            C = (C + b)/2, D = (D - a)/2
    if u ≥ v then:
        u = u - v, A = A - C, B = B - D
        v = v - u, C = C - A, D = D - B
a = C, b = D
return (g·v, a, b)

Python Code

Basic Euclid’s Algorithm

    def euclid_gcd(a, b):
        while b != 0:
            a, b = b, a % b
        return a

Recursive EEA


gcd, x1, y1 = EEA(b, a mod b)

Such that gcd = b·x1 + (a mod b)·y1 then:

gcd = b·x1 + (a - b·q)·y1 = b·x1 + a·y1 - b·q·y1 = a·y1 + b·(x1 - q·y1) = a·x2 + b·y2
    def extended_euclidean(a, b):
        if b == 0:
            return a, 1, 0

        gcd, x1, y1 = extended_euclidean(b, a % b)
        x2 = y1
        y2 = x1 - (a // b) * y1
        return gcd, x2, y2

Non-recursive EEA

    def extended_euclidean(a, b):
        x0, y0, x1, y1 = 1, 0, 0, 1
        while b != 0:
            q = a // b
            a, b = b, a - q * b
            x0, x1 = x1, x0 - q * x1
            y0, y1 = y1, y0 - q * y1
        return a, x0, y0

Modular Inverse

Computes the inverse of a modulo b assuming that (a,b) = 1.

    def inverse(a, b):
        x0, x1 = 1, 0
        while b != 0:
            q = a // b
            a, b = b, a - q * b
            x0, x1 = x1, x0 - q * x1
        return x0
